Monday, April 23, 2012

Where O Where Has Mae-Mae Been?

Dude!  It has been a while!  My house has gone through a major transformation.  Oh! Yes!  Mama got her entire house painted and got new wood floors! 

Let's first start with the paint!  My new favorite person in the world, Cristi Holcombe from Charm Home and soon to be HGTV's Elbow Room star picked the colors of my house!  (Thanks Nancy for the referral!) OH MY!  I told her I wanted Coastal Living but on a teacher's budget and she gave it to me!  When my other favorite person in the world, Alex, painted the house, I sat and cried.  All the furniture from the family room, office, and kitchen was piled in the kids' bedrooms.  I had concrete floors (DH and I pulled the carpet up to save a couple of hundred dollars) and boxes of wood on the floor.  Every night coming home was like Christmas for my three ring circus and myself.  Each night, we would run inside and see what present of perfectly painted walls Alex and his crew had left us!  I sat marveled at the beautiful walls until it was time to eat dinner on the floor of my bedroom!  The ugly pinky beige that I have hated for EIGHT years and the chocolate brown that was supposed to be a camel tan were gone and the beautiful new colors are breathtaking. And the floors! The floors!  The floors!  The floors look beautiful! 

To have the painting and the floors redone was a lot.  I'm not complaining!  I know I am extremely lucky.  DH & I have saved and this is what we wanted!  But it was and continues to be a lot to a person who has OCD!  "It's only for a month" has been my motto for three weeks now.  I do not like the chaos of it all!  It is hard to function in chaos.  I had to get serious this weekend though.  The poor children only had a path in their rooms.  My room was covered with stuff!  You couldn't sit on the couches and my housekeeper was coming today.  This weekend mama had to get her organizing on!  The office got put back together.  (No computer for three weeks!)  The children's rooms were dug out from mass chaos.  I even got the kids beds made.  For the first time in over three weeks, everyone slept in their own rooms last night!
  There are still boxes of stuff that I need to go through and my motto has change a little.  It's just for a few more weeks until I get out of school and have the time and energy to put my life back together!  So until then, I'll just sit here and look at my new floors and walls and think how lucky I am!  

I know.  I know.  I've got to figure out how to do the whole uploading of pictures thing!